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Helping others with construction needs and providing humanitarian aid is a rewarding experience for our teams and those we are helping. Highlights of some of our trips can be seen below.   Click on a set below to open them full-size.

Honduras July 2018​

We built a playground structure and installed air conditioning in a new classroom areaa.

Honduras August 2015​

We converted a storage room into an office for the school. On our way back to the airport we had a time of ministry with a home church in a poor village.

Haiti - April / May 2014​

​I had the privilege of joining Army of the Kind in Haiti. We helped at Oceda Orphanage in Carrefour and Zion Orphanage in Arcahaie. At Oceda the team helped with cleaning, provided wheelchairs, beds, bedding, toys and food. We also repainted the inside and had fun while ministering to the kids. At Zion the team helped with cleaning and we were able to build a shade structure where the staff cooks and the kids eat, along with fun and ministry. The team also visited churches and tent city for ministry. You can see more about this trip, or other projects by Army of the Kind at or on Facebook.

Nazirite Children's Missions, Dominican Republic  - October 2013​

We framed openings for doors, installed sheathing on the outside and textured it, installed the electrical panel, wiring, outlets and lights, framed the bathroom, set the toilet and installed and finished sheetrock on the inside. We hiked up a mountain to a remote village; there we delivered hygiene kits to 25 families, provided new shoes to all of the kids in the school and gave each of them a stuffed animal, probably the first one in their life.

Helping Colorado Flood Victims - September 2013​

We assembled over 250 family hygiene ktis. These were delivered to Greeley Wesleyan Church that is actively helping flood victims through their Community Outreach Center.

Honduras - July 2013​

Zion Ministries

Honduras - April 2013​

Zion Ministries

Dominican Republic 2012​

Nazirite Children's Missions

Honduras 2012​

Zion Ministries

Honduras 2010​

Zion Ministries

Emmanuel Orphanage

Tijuana, Mexico - July 2006​​

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